Town of Forest Park Fire Rescue Department
The Town of Forest Park Firefighters respond to fires, accidents and other incidents where there are risks to life and property. Our firefighters help protect our community in emergency situations and respond to a wide variety of calls as well as fires, they assist with medical emergencies, severe weather and natural disaster rescues.
Fire Station No.1
4201 North Coltrane
Forest Park, OK 7312
Chuck Blair - Emergency Manager / Fire Administration
Wesley "Chuck" Blair has served as a public firefighter in Forest Park for over 25 years. As a fire service supervisor, he is tasked with the ongoing training and safety of up to 15 volunteers. Chief Blair has implemented standard operating guidelines that address safety and outline the scope of responsibilities. He has facilitated and participated in hose, hydrant and apparatus testing, inspections, maintenance and record keeping. State Fire Marshall reporting, public education, applicable human reservices responsibilities, grant writing and other task involved in the operation of the fire department. By keeping up with these tasks, the Town of Forest Park has earned a respectable I.S.O rating of "Class 4", which can attract business and save thousands in insurance premiums for our residents.
Fire Team Members:
Barbara Blair - Staff Assistant
Brian Cornell - Training Captain
Konan Sugioka - Captain
Kyle Coulter - Senior Firefighter
Shelby Nesmith - Corporal / Admin.
Alex Hokit - Firefighter
Austin Rose - Firefighter
Caleb McCain - Firefighter
Joshua Class - Probationary Firefighter
Reed Bryant - Probationary Firefighter
Colin Winfree - Probationary Firefight
Daniel Martinez - Probationary Firefight
Cheyenne Martines - Probationary Firefighter
Sian Busby - Probationary Firefighter